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     Rajesh Sharma  


     Research Fellow

     Department of Engineering

     University of Bristol, UK.

     Email: my first name[dot]my last name[at]bristol[dot]ac[dot]uk


Short Biography

Since November of 2016, I am working as a Research Fellow on Develop Project. Presently at the University of Bristol, UK and prior at Queen's University of Belfast, UK. I am working on computational social capital models by exploring social network analysis. At a broader scale my research lies at the intersection of network science (social network analysis), large-scale data analytics, social computing and information systems. My research often explores social behavior as a key element while proposing solutions.

From January of 2014 to October 2016, I worked with Prof. Danilo Montessi and Matteo Magnani as a postdoctoral researcher under IMPACT project in the smartdata group at the University of Bologna, Italy. Primarily I worked on the problem of missing data in multiplex networks. Alonside, I also analysed community patterns and the diffusion of information in online social networks, and the effects of social media on financial market.

I completed my Ph.D in the school of computer engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore under the supervision of Prof. Anwitaman Datta in Dec, 2013. During my PhD, I worked in the area of distributed social computing, where I investigated various key primitives using large scale data analytics, which could be helpful in making DOSN successful by leveraging social relations (such as interest, trust, expertise, etc.). Specifically, I aim at social network applications like storage and information dissemination.

I had a mixed of experience from academics and industry before starting my Ph.D. in January 2009. I worked as a lecturer before doing a MS from IIT Roorkee, India, following which I worked with Cisco Systems Bangalore, India for around 2 years.



·        11.02.2016: Milgram Reloaded! Experiment has started. In case you are interested in taking part as participant then please email: connect {at the rate} cs dot unibo dot it

·        06.07.2015: Our two works got accepted at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. ASONAM 2015.

·        25.06/2015: Presented two of our works at Sunbelt Conference 2015, Brighton, UK.

·        23.06.2015: Our work got accepted at 7th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime. ICDF2C 2015.

·        29.05.2015: Our work got accepted at 19th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium. IDEAS 2015.


        Publications (Google Scholar)           

14.      Rajesh Sharma, Matteo Magnani and Danilo Montesi, Investigating the types and effects of missing data in multilayer networks. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2015.

13.      Rajesh Sharma, Matteo Magnani and Danilo Montesi, Understanding community patterns in large attributed social networks. International Workshop on Dynamics in Networks (colocated with ASONAM 2015).

12.      Flavio Bertini, Rajesh Sharma, Matteo Magnani and Danilo Montesi, Profile resolution across multilayer networks through smartphone camera fingerprint. 19th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, IDEAS 2015

11.      Mostafa Salehi, Rajesh Sharma, Moreno Marzolla, Matteo Magnani, Payam Siyari and Danilo Montesi, Diffusion Processes on Multilayer Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 2015

10.      Rajesh Sharma, Matteo Magnani and Danilo Montessi, Missing data in multiplex networks: a preliminary study. Third International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, 2014

9.         Rajesh Sharma, Deepak Subramanian and Satish N. Srirama, DAPriv: Decentralized architecture for preserving the privacy of medical data. CoRR, 2014

8.         Rajesh Sharma, Anwitaman Datta, GoDisco++: A Gossip algorithm for information dissemination in multi-dimensional community networks,. in Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), Elsevier, 2013

7.         Stefano Braghin, Jackson Tan, Rajesh Sharma and Anwitaman Datta, PriSM: A Private Social Mesh for Leveraging Social Networking at Workplace. CoRR, 2013

6.         Rajesh Sharma and Anwitaman Datta, A tunable graph model for incorporating geographic spread in social graph models. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2012.

5.         Rajesh Sharma and Anwitaman Datta, SuperNova: Super-peers Based Architecture for Decentralized Online Social Networks. International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), 2012.

4.         Rajesh Sharma and Anwitaman Datta, DRank: Decentralized ranking mechanism for semantic community overlays. International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), 2012.

3.         Rajesh Sharma and Anwitaman Datta, Decentralized information dissemination in multidimensional semantic social. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2012.

2.         Rajesh Sharma, Anwitaman Datta, Matteo Dell Amico and Pietro Michiardi, An empirical study of availability in friend-to-friend storage systems. International Conference on Peer to Peer Computering, (IEEE P2P) 2011.

1.      Anwitaman Datta and Rajesh Sharma, GoDisco: Selective Gossip based Dissemination of Information in Social Community based Overlays. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2011. Best Paper Award in Networking Track.

Teaching and Mentoring

I have teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate level. First as a lecturer at Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, India. Later, as a teaching assistant during my PhD at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and presently, at the University of Bologna, Italy. I have taught courses ranging from the introductory level to specialized courses in computer science and engineering. In each of these courses, I had a great deal of autonomy to give lectures and/or lead sections in addition to holding office hours, constructing exams, and grading papers. I am mentoring master and undergraduate students for their thesis at the University of Bologna. In addition, I am co-supervising a PhD student in India.


·        Visiting Scholar at Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France Nov, 2010 ~ Dec, 2010.

·        Visiting Scholar at Mobile Computing Lab, University of Tartu, Estonia May, 2013 ~ OCT, 2013.


·        2015: KU Leuven, Sunbelt 2015.

·        2013: KTH and SICS, Stockholm..

Professional Activities

·        Program committee : NetSciX-2016, ASONAM 2016, IEEE CI4BigData, COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016, International Workshop on Dynamics in Networks 2016


·        External Reviewer : Journal of Computational Science, Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, ACM Transactions on sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, EuroPar-2012, P2P 2012, P2P 2011, P2P - 2010.


Last update: Nov, 2016.